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The Global Wisdom Collective (GWC) supports Indigenous communities in preserving the wisdom of their people for generations to come. GWC serves as a bridge for native nature-based, societies so that the human connection to our Earth is given voice, and is preserved and protected in a way that honors the core integrity of all communities.  

These original and endemic communities have historically been driven out of our modern-day society as a result of colonialism, capitalism, industrialization and humanity’s disconnection from self. This disconnection has led to an ongoing destructive war both internally and externally. Within each nation, these communities have been safekeeping the treasure that is human relationship with its deepest self as well as accumulating natural wisdom and knowledge that is gained only by living in harmony with Earth herself over many lifetimes  The struggle has been to maintain this wealth of information in the face of mainstream societal pressure and appeal to assimilate, increased exploitation of natural resources, and ever-expanding territorial overreach.

Right now, with the disappearance of the Earth’s most precious wildlife and ecosystems, these communities are endangered and at risk for extinction. The loss of even one devastates the whole of our human ecosystem irreparably, placing not only our home (our planet) but our collective body (our lives) at risk.  

Only with thorough and universal understanding can we begin to know how to tackle our planetary issues with a lens that is pure and true and not just the result of siloed research.

The Global Wisdom Collective seeks to ignite the core knowledge that lives in all of us.